1. A woman of dignity doesn't compromise. This woman has- and keeps- high standards. She doesn't let just anyone have access to her heart. Have you ever made a wish list? You know the kind I mean, listing all the traits you want your man to have. I had a list. It went something like this: Tall....dark....handsome. That list led me to a lot of heartache and many kicked-in-the-gut experiences. My list wasn't full of high standards. When I changed my list to begin with "A man who will love Jesus and live for Him," that's when things began to change. If our standards are merely suggestions, we'll be tempted to ditch them when something seemingly better comes along. Creating and sticking to biblical standards (in all areas of our lives) will keep us focused on Christ.
2. A woman of dignity has self-respect. A girl who respects herself guards how she acts, talks and dresses. This girl treats herself and those around her in a respectful way. I didn't always dress and act appropriately- I didn't respect myself- and because of that I wasn't always respected. Respecting yourself begins and ends with you. No one can do it for you. It's a change in the way you see yourself, which comes from knowing how valuable you are to God.
3. A woman of dignity shows love to those around her. When we're clothed with dignity, we're clothed with Christ. We offer mercy and love instead of judgement and hatred. It's a struggle to show love for others; it's a choice we must make. If Christ is in us, so is His love. If we're covered in Him, we'll begin looking and acting like Him, too.
4. A woman of dignity is confident in her identity in Christ. We can be secure in knowing we were created just the way God wanted us-full of the gifts and talents He wanted us to have. We're free from the bondage that comes from comparing ourselves to others! It takes so much more effort to try to be someone else than it does to simply be ourselves. Just be you!
5. A woman of dignity knows that a life of dignity may cost her something. It may cost us friends and boyfriends; it may cost us fitting in and following the crowd. It will definitely make us feel lonely at times and possibly even frustrated, but you know that it's worth it. Your life will be defined by Christ and not who you date or the mistakes you make. Count the cost. When God is searching for someone to answer His call, you'll be found ready and willing to take up the challenge!
This is Your Calling
This life isn't for the faint of heart, but it is for the type of person who allows Jesus to be her strength in weakness and depends solely on Him. It's for you, and it's for me. When you choose to walk in strength and dignity, you can look ahead and laugh without fear of the future.
Taken from Carrie Erikson's article from Sisterhood magazine Sept/Oct 2013 issue

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