Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Allure

Immodesty removes the obstacles and invites any passing guy to desire you in his mind.  It is a cheap thrill requiring no investment on his part. It offers him the power of your body at his control. He is motivated by lust.

Modesty protects the true secrets of your body for one man requiring him to invest in your life in order to one day enjoy your allure. It invites a guy to earn your virtue. Finding love this way is a long and slow process, and it often seems like it will never happen. That is part of what makes it worth while. Proverbs 13:19 says, " A longing filled is sweet to the soul." It is the waiting that makes it so precious and that invites him to work to earn your heart.

Taken from Secret Keeper: The Power of Modesty by Dannah Gresh

1 comment:

fawn said...

wow! Worth pondering!